Priscilla's Journey from Teacher to Holistic Career Coach

In a world that often emphasizes staying on a conventional career path and measuring success by external achievements, stepping off the well-trodden road can be one of the most challenging decisions a person can make. Yet, it is often in these moments of deep introspection and bravery that we truly find our way. This blog post tells the story of Priscilla Jabouin—a woman who transformed her career, her life, and ultimately the lives of others by following her passion and intuition. Priscilla’s journey is an inspiration to anyone struggling with career dissatisfaction, reminding us that it’s okay to shift directions and create a life that feels authentic.

The Teacher’s Life: A Dream Turned Disillusionment

Priscilla’s career journey began in the classroom, a familiar starting point for many young professionals. She spent years preparing to be a teacher—choosing this path because of her passion for nurturing young minds and making a difference. The vision she held of herself standing before a group of eager students, sharing knowledge, and inspiring the next generation, was filled with hope and optimism. It was a career choice that society admired, a role that promised stability, respect, and the opportunity to make an impact.

However, as Priscilla settled into her teaching career, something started to feel off. She had imagined teaching as a meaningful, joyful vocation, but the reality she faced each day left her feeling drained and unfulfilled. There were layers of bureaucracy, challenges with classroom management, and a sense of restriction that started to dampen her enthusiasm. After just three years in the profession, Priscilla began to realize that teaching, as it was currently structured in her life, wasn't what she had hoped for.

The decision to leave teaching wasn’t easy. For many, it would seem like abandoning a respectable and stable career path. Priscilla faced not only the internal struggle of wondering if she was making the right choice but also external pressures from a society that often discourages such changes. The fear of failure and the unknown can be paralyzing, and many of us have faced moments where we felt trapped in a job we no longer loved, simply because it felt too risky to leave.

But for Priscilla, her unhappiness became undeniable. She realized that staying in a career that was making her miserable wasn’t sustainable, and it wasn't the life she wanted to build for herself. Eventually, she made the difficult but courageous decision to resign. She chose her well-being over societal expectations and decided to find work that felt aligned with her values and her true self.

Discovering Her Calling: Counseling Psychology and Career Guidance

After leaving teaching, Priscilla felt a renewed sense of determination to discover what she was truly passionate about. What she knew for certain was that she still wanted to make a difference in the lives of others. She wanted to be a source of guidance and support, to help people find meaning and fulfillment in their lives—much like what she was trying to do for herself at that moment. This led her to pursue a master's degree in counseling psychology.

Entering the field of psychology opened up new possibilities for Priscilla. She was fascinated by the ways in which people's emotions, desires, and beliefs intersected with their careers and life choices. During her studies, she began to understand the importance of mental health, not just in one's personal life but also in shaping career satisfaction and overall fulfillment.

Priscilla chose to become a career advisor, a role that allowed her to help others navigate the very challenges she had faced. She became dedicated to helping people find careers that resonated with their values and passions. Whether it was a young graduate unsure of their career direction or a mid-career professional seeking a change, Priscilla was there to provide support, guidance, and reassurance that change was possible.

Her work as a career advisor was incredibly rewarding, but Priscilla knew that the journey to finding fulfillment often required more than just practical steps like writing a resume or preparing for an interview. It was about breaking down the mental and emotional barriers that held people back, and it required a deeper approach that addressed the whole person.

The Power of a Holistic Approach

As Priscilla continued her journey, she began to realize that career fulfillment wasn't just about the jobs people held or the paths they took—it was also about their mental and emotional well-being. The people who came to her for career advice often struggled with more than just career confusion; they were facing anxiety, self-doubt, and feelings of disconnection from their own passions. To truly help her clients, Priscilla knew she needed to look at the whole picture, not just the career aspects of their lives.

This realization led Priscilla to develop a more holistic approach to her career coaching practice. She became certified in yoga and reiki, two practices that promote emotional healing, mindfulness, and self-awareness. By incorporating these holistic tools into her practice, Priscilla was able to help her clients not only identify career opportunities but also address the deeper emotional blocks that were keeping them from living their best lives.

Yoga and reiki became powerful tools for helping her clients reconnect with their own inner peace. Through yoga, her clients learned the importance of mindfulness—being present in their bodies and tuning into their emotions. This allowed them to move away from the constant stress of “doing” and start focusing on “being.” Reiki, on the other hand, helped her clients release negative energy and find balance, which was essential for them to approach their careers with a clear and open mind.

By integrating these practices into her sessions, Priscilla created a safe space for her clients to explore not only their career aspirations but also their emotional well-being. She taught them that it was okay to listen to their bodies, to acknowledge their emotions, and to use these insights as a guide toward making life decisions that felt right for them.

Embracing Emotional Well-being for Career Success

Priscilla’s holistic approach focuses on helping people reconnect with their authentic selves. One of the biggest challenges she noticed was that many of her clients were disconnected from their emotions. In a society that often discourages emotional expression—especially in professional settings—many people learn to suppress their feelings. This can lead to burnout, dissatisfaction, and a sense of feeling lost, both personally and professionally.

Priscilla understood that to find fulfillment, her clients needed to reconnect with themselves on an emotional level. She worked with them to help them embrace their emotions, whether it was fear, anger, sadness, or joy. By giving themselves permission to feel, they could better understand what was working in their lives and what wasn’t.

For many of her clients, this process involved acknowledging that they were unhappy in their current roles. It meant facing the discomfort of realizing that the path they were on wasn’t the right one and that change was necessary. But through yoga, reiki, and counseling, Priscilla was able to guide them through this process of self-discovery, helping them find the courage to make changes that aligned with their true desires.

Building Her Own Practice: Becoming a Registered Psychotherapist

After several years of working as a career advisor, Priscilla decided to take her practice one step further. She became a registered psychotherapist, expanding her ability to work with clients on a deeper level. In her psychotherapy practice, Priscilla focuses on guiding adults through both career and mental health challenges. She understands that our careers are deeply intertwined with our mental health and that achieving balance and fulfillment requires addressing both.

Priscilla’s approach is unique because it integrates both traditional and holistic techniques. She combines her background in counseling psychology with her certifications in yoga and reiki to offer a truly comprehensive approach to career and personal growth. Her clients don’t just leave her practice with a polished resume or a new career plan—they leave with a deeper understanding of themselves, their needs, and the steps they need to take to live a more fulfilling life.

Priscilla’s practice is rooted in the belief that every person has the potential to live a life they love, but sometimes they need help getting there. She works with her clients to overcome limiting beliefs, address fears, and develop strategies for finding and maintaining emotional balance. Through her holistic approach, she helps her clients reconnect with their passions, build confidence, and create meaningful career paths that feel aligned with who they truly are.

Empowering Others to Make Bold Moves

Priscilla’s own career journey—from a school teacher to a career advisor to a holistic psychotherapist—is a testament to the power of listening to your intuition and being willing to make bold moves. She knows firsthand how difficult it can be to step away from what feels comfortable, especially when others may not understand your decision. But she also knows that true fulfillment comes from being honest with yourself about what you want and having the courage to go after it.

Through her practice, Priscilla empowers her clients to do just that. She helps them see that it’s okay to change direction, to leave behind what isn’t working, and to pursue something that feels more aligned. She encourages her clients to prioritize their well-being, to listen to their bodies, and to trust their inner wisdom.

For many of her clients, this means letting go of the belief that success means having everything figured out. It means being open to the idea that life is a journey, and that it’s okay to change course along the way. Priscilla’s work is about helping her clients embrace the uncertainty of change and find peace in the process.

Community and Empowerment: Supporting Women at the Professional Women's Meetup

Priscilla’s journey is not only about her own career transformation but also about her commitment to supporting others, especially women. Through her involvement with the Professional Women's Meetup, Priscilla has become an advocate for women who are seeking to create meaningful lives and careers. She knows the unique challenges that women face in a world that often places unrealistic expectations on them—expectations to excel at work, care for others, and maintain a perfect balance at all times.

At the Professional Women's Meetup, we are constantly inspired by stories like Priscilla’s. Her courage to step away from what wasn’t serving her, to pursue her passions, and to build a practice that helps others do the same, is a reminder that it’s never too late to make a change. We believe in the power of community, in the strength that comes from supporting one another, and in the importance of creating spaces where women can share their stories and lift each other up.

Priscilla’s holistic approach to career and personal fulfillment resonates deeply with our values at the Professional Women's Meetup. We know that success isn’t just about what you achieve in your career; it’s about how you feel, how connected you are to yourself, and how much joy you experience along the way. Priscilla’s story reminds us that fulfillment is possible when we listen to ourselves, when we honor our emotions, and when we have the courage to make changes that align with our true desires.

A Message for Those Seeking Change

If you’re reading this and feeling stuck or unfulfilled in your career, know that you’re not alone. Priscilla’s journey is proof that it’s okay to make a change—that you deserve to live a life that feels aligned with who you are. Whether you’re facing dissatisfaction in your current job, feeling unsure of your career path, or simply longing for something more, there is a way forward.

At the Professional Women's Meetup, we are here to support you on your journey. Whether it’s through connecting with others in our community, listening to inspiring stories like Priscilla’s, or seeking out the guidance of a coach or mentor, we believe in the power of taking steps toward a life that brings you joy. It’s never too late to redefine success on your own terms and create a path that feels true to you.

Priscilla’s journey is a beautiful reminder that when we embrace who we are, when we listen to our intuition, and when we are willing to take risks, we open ourselves up to a life of possibility, fulfillment, and joy. Let’s continue to uplift one another, to support each other in our journeys, and to create lives that we truly love.

Connect with Priscilla:

Christine Fernandes

Christine Fernandes is not just the Founder and CEO of Professional Women's Meetup (PWM); she is a visionary leader and a fervent advocate for the empowerment of women in the business world. With a career marked by innovation, leadership, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, Christine has dedicated her life to creating spaces where professional women can thrive, connect, and grow.

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