Are You Struggling to Grow Your Audience? Try This Simple, Effective Strategy

Let me start by asking you a question: Are you struggling to grow your audience? I know this is a huge challenge for many entrepreneurs and small business owners. You might feel like you're doing everything right—you’re consistently promoting, you’re putting out social media posts, but you hear nothing but crickets. Trust me, you’re not alone.

Growing an audience is one of the biggest pain points for new businesses and even for more established ones looking to reach the next level. And while it might seem like you’re doing all the right things, sometimes the results just don’t come. So, what’s the missing link?

I see a common mistake among many business owners: when their business reaches a certain point, they jump straight to paid advertising. Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google ads—it’s tempting because it promises quick results. But here’s the truth: if you don’t know what you’re doing, paid ads can burn a hole in your pocket without delivering the audience or leads you’re looking for.

So, what should you do instead? I’m going to teach you a strategy that has helped countless businesses, especially those just starting out, to gain traction. It’s incredibly powerful, cost-effective, and (when done right) yields long-term benefits.

Borrowing Other People’s Audiences: The Secret to Fast Growth

One of the best strategies you can implement is to borrow other people’s audiences. This strategy works especially well in Facebook groups, and if you apply it consistently, you can see remarkable growth in a short period of time.

Here’s why this works: when you’re just starting out, or even when you’re scaling, your audience is limited. Growing organically takes time, and if you don’t have a huge following, it’s hard to get momentum. However, other people and groups already have the audiences that you want to reach.

Think about it: If you can tap into a space where your ideal clients are already engaging, you can quickly position yourself as an authority. Instead of starting from scratch, you’ll be placing yourself in front of warm leads who are already invested in the topics you’re discussing. The key is knowing how to provide value in a way that naturally draws those people to you.

The Right Way to Engage in Facebook Groups

Now, let’s talk about how to effectively leverage Facebook groups. Here’s where many people go wrong: they join a group and immediately start promoting their business or services. This can come off as spammy and won’t generate the results you want.

What you need to do instead is offer pure value. When you provide value, without expecting anything in return, people notice. And when they notice, they become curious about who you are and what you do. That’s when they’ll visit your profile, follow you, and engage with your content.

But there’s a catch: before you start engaging in Facebook groups, you need to make sure your personal profile is optimized.

Step 1: Optimize Your Facebook Profile

Your Facebook profile is more powerful than you think. Most people don’t realize that they have two separate profiles: a personal profile and a group profile. In Facebook groups, when someone clicks on your name, they’ll see your group profile first. This profile is often underutilized but can be a game-changer when optimized correctly.

So, how do you optimize your group profile? Here’s what you should include:

  1. A clear call to action: The first thing people should see when they visit your group profile is a free offer or lead magnet. This could be a downloadable guide, a free consultation, or a link to your newsletter. The goal is to entice them to take the next step.

  2. Professional branding: Make sure your profile picture and cover photo are aligned with your brand. You want to give off a professional yet approachable vibe that aligns with your business values.

  3. Concise bio: Use your bio to clearly explain who you help and what you do. Keep it short but impactful.

Once your profile is optimized, you’re ready to start engaging in groups.

Step 2: Start Posting Valuable Content in Groups

Now comes the fun part: posting in groups. But remember, you’re not posting to sell. You’re posting to educate, inspire, and provide value.

Here’s a little-known tip: one of the most effective ways to get noticed in Facebook groups isn’t necessarily by creating your own posts (though that’s important too). The real key is to engage on other people’s posts.

When someone else in the group asks a question or shares a struggle, take the time to write a thoughtful, valuable response. When you help others solve their problems, you demonstrate your expertise and build trust.

For example, if someone asks a question about how to grow their email list, instead of replying with a generic answer like “Use Facebook ads,” give them a detailed response. Share a mini-strategy, recommend specific tools, or even link to a free resource you’ve created that could help them. This not only helps the person who asked the question, but others in the group will see your response and start to recognize you as an expert in your field.

Now, let’s get into specifics.

Step 3: Try This 7-Day Posting Challenge

I challenge you to try this for seven days: Post something of high value once a day in relevant Facebook groups. Make sure it’s specific, actionable, and aligned with your area of expertise.

Remember, you don’t need 500 comments or likes to make this work. If your content resonates with even a small number of people, it can lead to big results. All it takes is one person who’s genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Let’s break down an example: Imagine you offer high-ticket coaching services. If you post in a group and only get five comments, but one of those people ends up booking a consultation with you, that’s a win! Small numbers can be extremely powerful and profitable, especially when you’re targeting the right audience.

Step 4: Make Your Content Specific and Targeted

One mistake I see a lot of people make is posting vague or general content. To attract the right audience, you need to be specific. Call out exactly who you want to target and make it clear who your content is for.

For example, instead of saying, “Here’s how to get more clients,” you could say, “Here’s how female entrepreneurs in the coaching industry can attract more high-ticket clients.”

This specificity helps your ideal audience identify themselves in your content and increases the likelihood that they’ll engage with you. The more targeted you are, the better your results will be.

Step 5: Repurpose Your Content

Once you’ve created high-value content for a Facebook group, don’t let it stop there. Repurpose it! Turn that post into a blog article, a LinkedIn post, or a video for your YouTube channel.

Content repurposing is one of the most effective ways to maximize the impact of your work. You’ve already put in the effort to create something valuable—now use it across multiple platforms to reach an even wider audience.

For example, let’s say you wrote a long-form post in a Facebook group about how to grow your email list organically. You can take that post, slightly tweak it, and publish it as a blog on your website. From there, you can create a 5-minute video summarizing the key points and share it on your social media channels. This way, you’re extending the reach of your content and reinforcing your expertise across multiple touchpoints.

Step 6: Share Everything—Yes, Even Your Secrets

One myth I hear a lot is, “Don’t give away your secrets for free.” Some entrepreneurs believe that if they share too much, people won’t want to buy from them because they’ve already gotten the information for free. This is absolutely false.

The truth is, when you share highly valuable content and truly give people something to walk away with, they’re more likely to trust you and want to work with you. Think about it—how many times have you come across a great post on social media that really caught your attention? If that person provided incredible value for free, you probably wanted more from them, right?

That’s exactly how your audience will feel when you share your expertise generously. When people see the quality of the content you’re giving away for free, they’ll assume your paid services are even better. It positions you as a trusted expert and makes them more likely to follow, engage, and ultimately buy from you.

Step 7: Challenge Yourself to Give More Value

So here’s my challenge to you: for the next week or two, I want to see some high-value posts in the groups you’re in. Take what you know, and share it freely. Don’t hold back.

If you’re in, leave a comment and say, “I’m in.” Commit to this challenge, and start posting valuable content that speaks directly to your ideal clients.

Then, once you’ve created this content, repurpose it. Turn it into a blog post, an email newsletter, or even a video. The more places you share your expertise, the more opportunities you create for people to discover you.

Final Thoughts: Don’t Overlook the Power of Organic Engagement

While it’s tempting to focus on paid ads and quick fixes, organic engagement is one of the most powerful ways to grow your audience

Christine Fernandes

Christine Fernandes is not just the Founder and CEO of Professional Women's Meetup (PWM); she is a visionary leader and a fervent advocate for the empowerment of women in the business world. With a career marked by innovation, leadership, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, Christine has dedicated her life to creating spaces where professional women can thrive, connect, and grow.

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